E N V I R O N M E N T A L     P O L I C Y


We, at Amalgamations Repco Limited, are committed to enhance the quality of our environment through a pro-active approach in all our activities.


Towards this we will,


Comply with all the applicable Environmental Legislations and Regulations;


Adopt pollution prevention techniques and measures in the design and manufacture of our products;


 Endeavour to minimize the consumption of all resources such as raw materials, water, power, oil, compressed air etc and minimize emissions to land, air and water;

Strive to reduce waste and look for opportunities to recycle and reuse the waste wherever it is possible;


Provide a safe and clean environment in our work place and neighbourhood;


Strive towards continual improvement through monitoring and measuring our performance;



Communicate  this  Policy to all internal  and  external  Interested  parties  and  displayed prominently;

Demonstrate  Leadership  and  commitment  with respect  to  Environmental Managment

Determine  Risk  and Opportunities based on internal  and  external issues, requirements

of   interested   parties   and   implement  the  actions  in  environmental  management














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